Apr 25, 2013

Archived Forecast - May - WIWX

Having a little fun with the cats over at Wisconsin Weather. I tossed together a May forecast for the Facebook Group page.

Originally posted on the Wisconsin Weather Facebook page.

Utilizing intraseasonal oscillations and a cycling weather pattern called Lezak's Recurring Cycle we attempt to project weather conditions weeks and months into the future. Currently the data used to generate the forecast are based on a full blend of cycles. We are in progress of creating a three member ensemble that will enhance future forecasts. The outlook for May, based on our current interpretation of the cycle, is listed below. (http://tiny.cc/isowiwx)

•Multiple precipitation events lead to above average totals.
•Temperature roller coaster ending slightly below average.
•Three notable storms to affect the region;
Around the 13th.
Around the 20th.
Around the 31st.
•Severe weather is probable with the notable storm systems.

Stick with Wisconsin Weather forecasters Justin Poublon and Hunter Anderson for daily forecasts.

More information on LRC and ISO.

LRC - http://osnw3lrc.blogspot.com/
ISO - http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/intraseasonal/

If there are any questions or thoughts on the forecast or the presented material, please let us know by leaving a comment. Thanks for reading!