Aug 22, 2017

Bering Sea Rule Research Article Accepted

I received word that the Bering Sea Rule research article I intellectually contributed on has been accepted by Advances in Meteorology. Congratulations gentlemen! The analysis and forecast procedures I created during this intellectual contribution period have been gutted and redesigned to simplify the generation of analyses and forecasts based on the Bering Sea Rule. An example of this exists on my Recurring Rossby Wave Train website at the following url:

To access the model code please visit my GitHub at the following url: From here one can generate analyses and forecasts of their own desire or help improve the analysis and forecast model. I anticipate collaboration with other enthusiasts of the BSR who also enjoy programming.

If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions on the material presented please let me know. Thank you for reading.

May 19, 2017

Strange Attractor

In the Recurring Rossby Wave Train pattern correlation phase space, each point represents a possible instantaneous state of the system. See image below.


A solution of the governing equations is represented by a point traveling along a trajectory in the phase space. A single point in phase space determines the entire future trajectory, providing a composite of potential future weather and climate outcomes. See image below.


For more information on chaotic quantity, please visit the linked paper (Zeng et al 1993). If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions on the material presented please let me know. Thank you for reading.