May 4, 2015

Using the Bering Sea Rule to Predict Severe Weather Events and Verifying the Prediction with the Recurring Rossby Wave Train

The images in the Tweet below show the Bering Sea Rule correlation to the CONUS. Based on our research (page 46), Shemya, AK connects to Columbia, MO. The premise is that observed weather in the Bering Sea region shows up in the CONUS 17-21 days later. Click on the Tweet below to see the larger images. (More predictive data related to BSR here)

JD suggests deep south and wants a harmonic relationship based on the Recurring Rossby Wave Train.

The PNA has been cycling ~32 days. (click on PNA) As far as the CONUS 500s, strong correlation exists in these windows as well. (click on REGIONAL+). Seems that fancy LRC length has been showing up in the REGIONAL+ the past 10 days too. Harmonics for everyone.

Getting to the point.

~May 20 going back ~32 days...

~May 20 going back ~LRC days...

~May 20 going back ~64 (nothing special)

The current frequency and harmonic certainly show a possibility. I know JN has been using late Oct as an analog for his version of the LRC lately. If you go back to Nov 16, it could connect to ~May 20, if you like averaging 185 days to find the wheelhouse prophecy. On a side note, going further into the future with the GFS, #chasecation2015 might get sucked into a vortex.

If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions on the material presented please let me know. Thanks for reading!