Jul 6, 2013

Archived Forecast - July/August - WIWX

Having a little fun with the cats over at Wisconsin Weather. I tossed together a remainder of July and all of August forecast for the Facebook Group page.

Originally posted on the Wisconsin Weather Facebook page.

Utilizing intraseasonal oscillations and a cycling weather pattern called Lezak's Recurring Cycle the attempt to project weather conditions weeks and months into the future is happening. Currently the data used to generate the forecast are based on a full blend of cycles. The outlook for the remainder of July and all of August, based on the current interpretation of the cycle, is listed below. (http://tiny.cc/isowiwx)

As the jet stream moves pole ward during the summer months a lot of the weather experienced the past 9 months in the Midwest shifts north and the summer anti-cyclone sets in. While this seasonal shift is taking place the patterns are still cycling and WI will continue to feel the effects - on a seasonally affected scale.

Signals are pointing towards temperatures ending below average in July with a rebound to begin August. The end of August looks warm as well. The numbers continue to signal an abundance of precipitation state wide through August. This is true along the borders as well with the only exception being Escanaba, MI. Notable weather events are labeled on the temperature graph in the image by "wisconsinwx" icons along the X axis. I discussed a potential dry spell back in April to take place mid July (http://tiny.cc/wiwx-001), we'll see if that transpires.

Stick with Wisconsin Weather forecasters Justin Poublon and Hunter Anderson for daily forecasts.

Long range forecasts began in April. Past forecasts are below.
June - http://tiny.cc/wiwxjun
May - http://tiny.cc/wiwxmay
April - http://tiny.cc/wiwxapr

More information on LRC and ISO.
LRC - http://osnw3lrc.blogspot.com/
ISO - http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/intraseasonal/

If there are any questions or thoughts on the forecast or the presented material, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

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